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Noah + Danielle | Arizona Adventures


Noah + Danielle | Arizona Adventures


On my recent road trip out west I got the chance to stay with some of my favorite people in the world!! Danielle and Noah have been friends of mine for a few years now and they are some of the sweetest people you could ever meet. When I first started my business they were both so encouraging and they even let me take their wedding photos. I will never forget their kindness and generosity in my life. Here are a few of my favorite images of our fun times together; & if you don't know them.. I am going to assume that when you look at these images you will like them as much as I do. 


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The Lemay Family

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The Lemay Family


T H E  L E M A Y  F A M I L Y 

Not many people let you crash on their couch for a few days with arms wide open... & then on top of all that make you breakfast and an amazing cup of coffee with their ACTUAL espresso machine. Joy & David welcomed me into their home and showed me some of their favorite spots in Colorado. One of them being this very cool spot on top of a mountain off of Rampart Range. After a scenic drive up the mountain and a short climb up a hill my breath escaped me.. from the view and also the climbing part. Enjoy some of the cute moments of their perfect family. 

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